Cara Membuat Akun AlertPay

Hai.. Para rekan Netter, sengaja nih satu postingan dibuat dalam bahasa inggris biar kliatan bonafit dikit, meskipun agak belepotan jadinya, bagi yang pengen simple, ya gunain aja dech tombol Translate di halaman blog ini, atas sebelah kanan,(pinjem punya'nya Mbah Google... He..he).
Membuat Akun Alertpay merupakan syarat mutlak bagi para Networker, jadi bagi rekan-rekan yang masih Newbie, Simak trus ya, panduan dibawah ini:

Apply AlertPay Account
To Register AlertPay, Follow these Step : First, Go through to AlertPay Banner :
After being on AlertPay page, Click the Sign Up Now
On the next page, select Choose Your Country, On the Choose Your Account Type, Select Personal Pro or Business, so you can make a withdrawal via Credit Cards and Receive Payment from Credit Cards as well. Then Click The button Next.
In the Contact Information page enter the Name, Last Name, Address Complete, City, Zip, Home Phone, Work and Date of Birth in each column. This data must be in accordance with the existing data on your identity card. When complete click Next. Next you are asked to complete your login data, ranging from emails, passwords, and PIN. Complete with the appropriate data and easy to remember. Once complete, You must also complete the data to recover the password You if at any time you forget the account password. These data are later filled with questions posed by the AlertPay if you ask for the password you forgot. The process is almost the same as at the time of registering email. Select the first and second questions and provide answers to each. Below this again, You are required to fill the Third Party Information or Third Party Information that will use your account. If no, give the option to 'None'. Then enter the verification word in the word verification and give a check in the 'I agree to AlertPay's User Agreements'. Then you will be asked to do the validation email. Open the email you used to register earlier. After that, the 'inbox', look for an email validation from AlertPay. After that, click on the validation link that existed at that email. If the email has not been sent, you can click the 'Click Here' on the page validate earlier. If you've done to validate the email, it means AlertPay registration process is complete.


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